Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pepsi 10 Draft

Pepsi 10 ad

Everyone has become desensitized to commercials nowadays. To respond to the increasing numbness of the American culture, new advertisements are made to contain as exaggerated and attention grabbing punch lines as possible. This ad is a perfect example of this kind of marketing, with the marketing phrase “It’s not for women.”

This advertisement starts with some guys playing some crazy laser tag in some jungle. Some main attention grabbing phrases are “Hey ladies. Enjoying the film? Of course not. Because this is our movie and this is our soda," and "You can keep the romantic comedies and lady drinks. We're good." This commercials goes heavy to be as masculine as possible. Apparently, there is a negative image associated with men and drinking diet soda. The idea behind this ad is that men don’t drink diet soda that isn’t considered ‘manly’ enough, so this commercial tries to appeal to men as much as possible. Am I the only one who hasn’t heard this before? Personally, I’ve never been a fan of diet soda just because in general I prefer juice and water over soda.

There have been different responses to this overtly sexist commercial. Pepsi responds that this commercial hasn’t alienated its female consumers at all – they ran a test run in 6 different countries and 40% of drinkers who have tried Pepsi 10 were female. Pepsi claims that in general, women get the joke aren’t offended and laugh as well.

However, there can not be a doubt that some women are offended. Some girls have posted on the facebook page for the advertisement that “You shouldn’t need to challenge someone’s masculinity to get them to buy your product. this ad campaign is insulting to women and men alike.”

One thing is certain though that this has been some clever indirect advertising. An advertisement that is as blatantly sexist as that will generate far more press than just its paid advertisements – people will be outraged and talk about it, generating even more press.


  1. My chosen audience is the viewers of the Pepsi 10 ad and what they think of the ad. I don't think I have really changed my language that much to specifically target the viewers of the ad yet, how do you think I can adjust my language choice to be more personal with the viewers?

  2. 1. You are talking about a commercial for your pop culture item.
    2. Main Point: To respond to the increasing numbness of the American culture, new advertisements are made to contain as exaggerated and attention grabbing punch lines as possible. Your main claim seems very clear to me. You do a good job explaining the commercial and why it has to be sexist to grab the audiences attention.
    3. Yes, you have definitely taken the audience into account, although you might want to think about specializing your audience a little bit more, like you could say it is female viewers or something like that. But you have definitely taken the audience into account.
    4. Its good that you put the commercial into your blog. For the last blog, she told me that you could put the actual video into the blog, instead of just the link, so you might want to look into that.
    5. Your language is nice, I like how you kept it more informal. To connect with your audience more, you could always ask them questions, even if you answer the question right after asking. If you as the question, it keeps them interested and it will make them feel like the blog is especially written for them to read.
